How to add Microsoft Hyper-V Clusters to Veeam Backup and Replication v12
You must add the Microsoft Hyper-V clusters you plan to use as source and target for backup, replication and other activities.
You must add the Microsoft Hyper-V clusters you plan to use as source and target for backup, replication and other activities.
Today I am going to show you how to fix Veeam backup failed and showed host is either not a cluster or has its cluster services unavailable error message.
I notice the storage space direct cluster file share witness failed for some reasons today, but when I check the file share permissions, everything looks good. It looks a bug but not sure.
I am going to show you how to fix this issue.
Today, I received some warning notification emails from Veeam Backup Jobs, they are showing warning as follow:
“Failed to create change tracking time stamp for virtual disk file C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\PRODVMS\SQL2\SQL2\disk-0_EB28E537-B0D9-4F9B-80CC-065D6A5E142C.avhdx
Failed to create change tracking time stamp for virtual disk file C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\PRODVMS\SQL2\SQL2\disk-1_4291495F-31FD-48D8-8621-64516CB1CE6D.avhdx”
As we know, Veeam Backup and Replication Software is a powerful and easy-to-use for backup and availability solution, I would like to share a troubleshooting tip with you today. You… Read more »
Today, let’s talking about how to step by step to update Mellanox NIC firmware and driver for non-RDMA Storage space direct servers. You can easy to do it via follow… Read more »